Event Details
This basic firearms course focuses on the Handgun. The objective of this course is to teach the student the knowledge, skills, and proper attitude to use a handgun safely and efficiently. Some of the topics covered in this course will be: anatomy of a handgun (revolver/semi-auto), nomenclature, grip, stance, sight alignment-sight picture, trigger control, breathing, follow-through. We will also work on accuracy during live fire portion. Movement will be included. The following is a list of required safety equipment for the live-fire portion.
Quality handgun (rentals available)
150-200 rounds of ammo
quality holster (preferred, not required)
belt to support holster and mag carrier
minimum of 3 magazines
eye protection
ear protection (electronic preferred)
a cap or hat is recommended to help with sun in eyes
ability to hydrate
closed toe shoes
no “v” cut blouses/t-shirts
range appropriate clothing
Call/text Allen @ 901-870-5211 or email: [email protected] with questions
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